Adult Piano Lessons

Piano lesson student in musical group at Boston MA music school studio.

If you or someone you love are thinking of learning to play the piano, you've come to the right place! It can be hard to learn piano as an adult. But here at Musicians Playground, we're all about fun, creativity, and community. All of our classes aim to help you learn music in a way that's not only accessible– but truly enjoyable.

If you feel yourself drawn to the piano, you're not alone. We have many piano students of all ages and skill levels, and their love of the instrument is clear as they continue their musical journey.

While you may not be able to put your finger on the exact reason the piano intrigues you, we're here to help figure it out! We would love to provide some practical reasons why learning the piano is an excellent choice (no matter what stage of your musical journey you're in).

Why Piano Lessons?

Of course, we wouldn't ever discourage you from playing other instruments. When it comes to that, we say “the more the merrier”! However, let's talk about some benefits that come specifically with learning the piano.

Our Coaches, Your Unique Voice

Here at Musicians Playground we fully support music hobbyists and newbies alike. It's our belief that learning music should be transformative, social, and fun. We offer piano lessons for people of all ages and backgrounds, and welcome people of any skill level with have availability for adult beginners, kids, and advanced. Lessons are available in a variety of different formats including private, group, and online. All our in-person lessons are held at our Boston studio.

Automatic Perfect Pitch

When it comes to the piano, one major advantage students have is that this instrument will put out a perfect note for you anytime you strike a key. In other words, when you're learning the guitar, ukulele, or vocal training, for example, the pitch is very much dependent on your ear or experience tuning those instruments manually. The positioning of your fingers on the strings, your posture, your breathing– all of these play a part in making sure that what comes out of the instrument is pleasing to the ear. Not with the piano! Of course, you'll have to learn certain postures and hand positions. But the average person could walk up to a piano and hit a single key and it would sound identical to someone who has been playing all their lives. This isn't the case with many other instruments.

Incredible Range of Sound

The piano is also a unique instrument when it comes to covering a wide range of sound output. It can play the lowest of the low notes, highest highs, and really everything in between! Very few instruments can cover the sound range that a piano can– especially at the same time. With such a variety of sounds, pitches, and tones, you'll have more ways to find the sound that best expresses how you're truly feeling. And when you express how you're truly feeling through music, we believe you can find true happiness.

Incredible Versatility

The piano finds much of its versatility in how many different settings it can offer. Because it can play so many notes at once, the piano can easily be the perfect, powerful accompanying instrument. It's one of the largest, fullest sounding, single instruments that exists. That's especially true once you start to get familiar with chords and combinations. The most incredible thing? If needed, a piano can also be drawn back to just a few simple notes or chords, and create an equally captivating yet entirely different mood. We're obsessed!

Even more exciting is that once you learn to play the piano, your knowledge will translate directly to any electronic keyboard or synthesizer. That opens up a whole new world of possible sounds and musical exploration.

Piano Lessons at Musicians Playground

Learning to the piano can be a life changing experience. Getting support from an expert coach who makes the learning fun, safe and supportive is key to unlocking success.

You'll not only have access to the best piano teachers in Boston, but your membership will also grant you access to our top-of-the-line pianos and keyboards.

To get started, contact us here and we'll review our membership and piano lesson options together. You can also call us directly at 617-356-8206 or set an appointment by booking a call. Let's play!